CHAPTER 11 Post-High School Opportunities
Cadets in good standing who satisfactorily complete two years of an AFJROTC program will be awarded a Certificate of Training. Cadets in good standing who satisfactorily complete at least three years of an AFJROTC program will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. These certificates are not awarded automatically. Cadets must demonstrate the potential to successfully serve in the armed forces. Cadets must have a passing grade in AFJROTC, demonstrate good conduct, conform to AFJROTC standards including uniform and appearance, have good attendance and show fiscal responsibility. The SASI will make the final determination on award of these certificates. Cadets who receive either of these certificates may be eligible for the following benefits (Ref: DOD Instruction 1205.13):
Advanced Enlistment. Cadets who earn a Certificate of Training or Certificate of Completion may be eligible for advanced promotion to the grade of E-2 (the equivalent of Airman in the USAF) on initial enlistment in an Active or Reserve component of any Military Service. Cadets who receive the Certificate of Completion may be eligible for advanced promotion to the grade of E-3 (the equivalent of Airman First Class in the USAF) on initial enlistment in the Air Force or Army (Active or Reserve). Different branches of the military have different polices, so you should discuss this with a recruiter prior to enlisting.
Senior ROTC Credit. Cadets who earn a Certificate of Completion may be eligible for one or more years of credit in a Senior (College) ROTC Officer Commissioning Program. Contact the ROTC Detachment for more information.
Up to two cadets may be selected by the SASI each school year for the CHAPA. This award allows qualified cadets enlisting in the Air Force to compete for the Guaranteed Training Enlistment Program (training in the cadet’s selected job specialty following basic training), and an entry date within the cadet’s selected window.
This program provides 3- and 4-year college scholarships to high school seniors. Depending on the type, these scholarships pay some or all college tuition, most fees, $900 per year for books and a nontaxable monthly allowance. Cadets who successfully complete the senior Air Force ROTC program are commissioned into the Air Force as second lieutenants. To be eligible for scholarship consideration, you must:
Be a United States citizen or be able to obtain citizenship by the last day of the first term of their freshman year.
Pass a Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DODMERB) medical exam.
Achieve an SAT composite of 1240 or ACT composite of 26.
Attain a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Complete a Physical Fitness Assessment consisting of sit-ups, push-ups and a 1.5-mile run.
See for more information. An online application must be submitted by 31 December 2022.
As an Air Force Academy cadet, you will spend four years at one of the best schools in the country with all your tuition, fees, and room and board paid for. Cadets at the Air Force Academy also receive basic pay equal to 35% of a 2nd Lieutenant’s pay. Upon graduation, you will receive a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission as an Air Force second lieutenant. Air Force Academy applicants must be:
United States citizens (United States citizenship must be finalized prior to entering the Academy.)
Unmarried with no dependents.
Of good moral character.
At least 17, but not past their 23rd birthday by July 1 of the year entering.
Meet high leadership, academic, physical and medical standards.
If interested, you should begin the application process during the spring of your Junior year of high school. Twenty appointments are reserved for AFJROTC cadets. See for more information.
Did you know?
The first United States military pilot was 2nd Lt. Frederick E. Humphreys.
He soloed in the Wright Military Flyer on 26 October 1909.