CHAPTER 8: Rank and Promotions
Cadets begin the AFJROTC program with a permanent rank of Cadet Airman Basic. At the beginning of each school year, cadets will be promoted to the permanent rank shown in the table below:
Year | Permanent Rank |
2nd Year | Cadet Airman First Class |
3rd Year | Cadet Senior Airman |
4th Year | Cadet Staff Sergeant |
In addition, cadets may earn promotions as described below.
Promotion Cycle
Promotion testing will be conducted three time each school year: at the end of the 1st marking period, at the end of the 1st semester (2nd marking period), and at the end of the 3rd marking period.
To be considered for promotion, cadets must meet the following criteria:
Minimum grade of 2.0 in AFJROTC class
No “zero” uniform grades
No suspensions (ISS or OSS)
Complete required community service hours per the syllabus
Knowledge Test
Cadets achieve a score of at least 90% on a closed-book written test according to the table below.
Rank | Test Material |
Cadet Airman | Air Force Active Duty and Cadet Rank Insignia (Cadet Guide Appendix) |
Cadet Airman First Class | Chain of Command (Cadet Guide Appendix) |
Cadet Senior Airman | Grooming Standards (Cadet Guide Chapter 3), Drill (Learn to Lead) |
Cadet Staff Sergeant | Uniform Care and Wear (Cadet Guide Chapter 4), Drill (Learn to Lead) |
Cadet Technical Sergeant | Conduct, Customs and Courtesies (Cadet Guide Chapter 2, LE 100 textbook Chapter 1 Lesson 3) |
Cadet Master Sergeant | Leadership (Cadet Guide Chapter 10) |
Participation Credit
Cadets who actively participate in extracurricular activities will have 5 percentage points added to their Knowledge Test score. Extracurricular activities include (but are not limited to) drill team, color guard, PT team, academic team, saber team, Endzone Warriors and military ball committee. The cadet must participate in at least 75% of the team/committee events during the marking period.
Drill Test
To be promoted to Cadet Airman, cadets must demonstrate the ability to execute the following drill movements: Attention, Parade Rest, Present/Order Arms, Left/Right Face, About Face. This is a Pass/Fail test.
Flight commanders may recommend a cadet for merit promotion based on exceptional performance. Cadets may not be promoted through merit promotion more than once in a school year. Merit promotions must be approved by the Operations Squadron Commander, Corps Commander and the SASI or ASI.
Cadets may have a temporary rank based on a specific assigned position (job) as determined by the SASI. Cadets serving in an assigned position revert to their permanent rank upon removal from the position, with the exception of graduating seniors. The SASI may allow graduating seniors to retain the highest rank held. Cadets wear the highest rank attained (permanent or temporary).
Once a cadet has held an officer position for two or more semesters, that cadet will remain in officer status for the remainder of the time spent in the program (i.e. permanent rank of Cadet Second Lieutenant). Exceptions are determined by the SASI.
Cadet officers and NCOs are responsible for maintaining discipline and for setting a proper example at all times. Cadet officers and NCOs are authorized to give orders to cadets who are junior to them. This authority is confined to AFJROTC activities only and will be exercised only in carrying out assigned AFJROTC responsibilities. Cadet officers and NCOs have no authority to excuse other cadets from scheduled classes or formations.
Cadets are subject to reduction in rank at any time for failure to maintain AFJROTC standards. Cadet Officers and NCOs may be reduced in rank for failing to carry out their duties and responsibilities, as determined by the SASI.