CHAPTER 3: Grooming Standards
AFJROTC cadets wear the same basic uniform as the active duty Air Force. When you are in uniform, you not only represent Enid High School, but the entire Air Force. You should honor the uniform by wearing it properly and with pride. All cadets must maintain a high standard of dress and personal appearance.
The following standards are derived from DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of United States Air Force and United States Space Force Personnel; AFJROTCI 36-2010, Air Force Junior ROTC Operations; and the Air Force Junior ROTC Operations Supplement. The AFJROTC instructors have final say on all grooming, appearance and uniform standards!
Hair must be clean, well groomed, present a professional appearance and allow proper wear of headgear.
Hair will not contain excessive amounts of grooming aids (e.g. gel, mousse, pomade, moisturizer), appear lopsided.
If applied, dyes, tints, bleaches and frostings must result in natural hair colors. Examples of natural hair colors are brown, blonde, brunette, natural red, black or grey. Prohibited examples (not all inclusive) are burgundy, purple, orange, fluorescent or neon colors.
Keep fingernails neat, clean and trimmed.
Fingernails must not exceed ¼ inch in length beyond the tip of the finger. If worn, nail polish will be a single color that does not detract from the uniform, nor can the nail polish be extreme in color. Some examples of extreme colors include, but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black, bright (fire engine) red and florescent colors. Do not apply designs to nails or apply two-tone or multi-tone colors; however, white-tip French manicures are authorized.
If worn, cosmetics will be conservative and in good taste. Female cadets will not wear shades of lipstick that detract from the uniform, or that are extreme colors. Some examples of extreme colors include, but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black, bright (fire-engine) red, and fluorescent colors. Eyelash extensions must match the natural eyelash color and will not exceed 14 millimeters in length.
Hair. There is no minimum hair length. Hair will not exceed a maximum bulk of 4 inches from scalp, regardless of length. Choose one of the following options:
Cut hair so it ends above the bottom edge of the collar and does not extend below an invisible line drawn parallel to the ground, both front to back and side to side.
Secure hair in a single bun on the back of the head; radius will not exceed 6 inches from the point where the hair is gathered (i.e., no more than 6 inches to the left and 6 inches to the right, 12 inches total width; and 6 inches protruding from where hair is gathered).
Secure hair in one or two braids or a single ponytail worn down the back with length not extending below a horizontal line running between the top of each sleeve inseam at the under arm through the shoulder blades (see illustration below). The braid(s) or ponytail cannot be worn over the shoulder or pulled in front of the body.
Locs, braids, twists, micro-braids, French braids, Dutch braids and cornrows are allowed if they meet the requirements of DAFI 36-2903.
Whichever option is used, hair must be styled to permit proper wear of the AFJROTC headgear. Mohawks, mullets or etched designs are not authorized. Bangs, or side-swiped hair, may touch eyebrows, but will not touch or cover eyes. Pinned-up hair should be styled in a manner that prevents loose ends from extending upward on the head. If adding additional hair, it must be a natural looking color, similar to the individual's hair color, and allow for proper wear of the headgear.
Hair accessories. If worn, hair accessories (e.g., fabric scrunches, hairpins, combs, clips, headbands, elastic bands, barrettes, etc.) must be black or match the hair color (i.e., blonde, brunette, natural red, black, gray). Hair must still comply with bulk and appearance standards. Headgear must fit properly. Invisible hairnets that match hair color are allowed. Headbands or fabric scrunchies will not exceed two-inches in width. Ornaments such as ribbons, bows, beads, or jeweled pins are not authorized.
Examples of Authorized Hair Styles

Examples of Unauthorized Hair Styles

Fingernail polish is prohibited. Male cadets will not wear cosmetics.
Hair. Hair will have a tapered appearance on both sides and the back of the head, both with and without headgear. A tapered appearance is one that when viewed from any angle outlines the member's hair so that it conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the natural termination point without eccentric directional flow, twists or spiking. A block-cut is permitted with tapered appearance. Hair will notexceed 2½ inches in bulk, regardless of length and ¼ inch at natural termination point; allowing only closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck to touch the collar. Hair will not touch the ears or protrude under the front band of properly worn headgear. Cleanly shaven heads, military high-and-tight or flat-top cuts are authorized. Prohibited examples (not all inclusive) are Mohawk, mullet, cornrows, dreadlocks or etched shapes/design. Cadets may have one (cut, clipped or shaved) front to back, straight-line part, not slanted or curved, on either side of their head, above the temple. Part will not exceed 4 inches length or ¼ inch width. Male cadets are not authorized hair extensions.

Sideburns. If worn, sideburns will be straight and even width (not flared), and will not extend below the bottom of the orifice of the ear opening. Sideburns will end in a clean-shaven horizontal line.
Mustaches. No portion of the mustache will extend below the lip line of the upper lip. Additionally, the mustache will not go beyond a horizontal line extending across the corners of the mouth and no more than 1/4 inch beyond a vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth.

Beards. Beards are not authorized except for medical reasons.
Tattoos/brands/body markings will not be on the hands (except one ring tattoo on one finger on one hand), head, neck (anything visible above the open collar uniform), face, tongue, lips, eyes, and scalp. Tattoos/brands/body markings anywhere on the body that are indecent, commonly associated with gangs, extremist, and supremacist organizations, or that advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination are prohibited in and out of uniform. Chest and back tattoos will not be visible through any uniform combination(s) or visible while wearing an open collar uniform. See DAFI 36-2903 for more information.
Male cadets are not authorized to wear earrings while in uniform. Female cadets may wear small (not exceeding 6mm in diameter) conservative round or square white diamond, gold, white pearl, or silver earrings as a set. If a cadet has multiple holes, only one set of earrings are authorized to be worn in uniform and will be worn in the lower earlobes. Earrings will match and fit tightly without extending below the earlobe unless the piece extending is the connecting band on clip earrings.
When not wearing earrings, male and female cadets are authorized to wear transparent piercing spacer(s) in lower earlobes while in uniform. Transparent spacers are not allowed in ear holes outside of the lower earlobes or any other piercing holes visible in uniform (nose, lip, eyebrow etc). Piercing holes will not be large enough to permit light to shine through. Plugs for gauge holes in the ear lobes are not authorized, regardless of color (including flesh colored).
Cadets may wear one bracelet around their wrist. If worn, the bracelet will be conservative in design, no wider than ½ inch, gold or silver in color, and will not have any inappropriate pictures or writing. Conservative medical alert/identification bracelets are authorized. Bracelets espousing support for a cause, philosophy, individual or group are not authorized. Ankle bracelets are not authorized.
Cadets may wear one solid color black, brown, silver or gold wristwatch.
Cadets may wear no more than three rings. Rings will be worn at the base of the finger.
Necklaces, pendants, and other conspicuous adornments will not be visible at any time. If worn, necklaces will be concealed under a collar or undershirt.
Eyeglasses and sunglasses will not be worn around the neck or on top/back of head or exposed hanging on the uniform. Sunglass frames must be conservative. Conservative wrap-around sunglasses may be worn. Conservative, clear, slightly tinted, mirrored or photosensitive lenses are authorized. Do not wear sunglasses while in formation. Sunglass cases will not be clipped to the belt.