CHAPTER 4: Uniforms
AFJROTC cadets wear the same basic uniform as the active duty Air Force. When you are in uniform, you not only represent Enid High School, but the entire Air Force. You should honor the uniform by wearing it properly and with pride. All cadets must maintain a high standard of dress and personal appearance.
The following standards are derived from DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of United States Air Force and United States Space Force Personnel; AFJROTCI 36-2010, Air Force Junior ROTC Operations; and the Air Force Junior ROTC Operations Supplement. The AFJROTC instructors have final say on all grooming, appearance and uniform standards!
At the beginning of the school year, you will be issued one complete AFJROTC uniform.
Uniforms are Government property and are loaned to you free of charge while you are in the program. You must return the uniform before you leave the program. You will also receive physical training clothing that is yours to keep.
Cadets must exercise all reasonable caution and care to ensure uniform items are not damaged due to carelessness, neglect, or improper cleaning or laundering. Cadets are responsible for the cost of cleaning and loss, theft, or damage of these items.
If any items are lost, you must pay for them IMMEDIATELY! Costs are determined by AFJROTC headquarters. If a uniform item no longer fits or becomes unserviceable, bring it back for an exchange. Uniform items MAY NOT be purchased or exchanged on uniform wear days. Plan ahead!
DO NOT tuck your flight cap into your belt. Secure it in your backpack when not being worn.
DO NOT lend uniform items, including insignia, to other cadets or persons not in AFJROTC.
Do not make alterations to the uniform. All uniform alterations will be done professionally through a contract with a local firm. No “home” alterations are permitted. Minor repairs such as the sewing on of buttons are the responsibility of the cadet. If the uniform does not fit properly, see your instructor.
Uniform items must be cleaned on a regular basis (as needed, but shirts and pants at least twice each marking period). Dark blue items MUST BE DRY CLEANED ONLY. Shirts may be dry cleaned or laundered. If laundered, the uniform shirt should be ironed with starch. ABUs should only be laundered.
Cadets must turn in the complete uniform upon demand or when the cadet is no longer enrolled in AFJROTC at Enid High School.
You will have to pay the replacement cost for any items not returned. You will not receive your report card, your next year’s schedule or your transcript until after you have turned in or paid for your uniform.
All items must be clean when returned. Failure to clean the uniform prior to turn in will result in a $20 fine being assessed with the school.
AFJROTC regulations require cadets to wear the uniform at least one day each week. Uniform wear is not negotiable, and no exceptions are granted. If you do not wear the uniform on the specified day, you must make this up as you would make up any other school assignment. If you do not make up the uniform wear, you will receive a “0” uniform wear grade for the week. You may coordinate with your instructor to be inspected in advance when you anticipate an absence. Cadets who do not wear the uniform will be removed from the program. See the syllabus for the uniform grading policy and procedures.
Cadets must wear their uniform for the entire school day while they are on campus. If a cadet changes out of their uniform without instructor permission, their grade will be changed to zero. Cadets attending off-campus programs may change out of their uniform after their last on-campus class.
Do not wear the uniform during activities that can result in damage to the uniform, including sports or hard labor. You should wear aprons or coveralls for art classes, etc. With instructor permission, you may change out of the uniform FOR THAT CLASS ONLY and change back before your next class.
The uniform combination directed for wear is called the “Uniform of the Day” (UOD). The UOD is posted in the classroom. Not knowing the correct UOD is NOT an acceptable excuse for not wearing the uniform. Wearing the incorrect uniform combination will lower your inspection score, but not wearing the uniform will result in a ZERO grade.
Service uniform combinations.
“Class A”: Shirt/blouse with necktie/tie tab and service coat.
“Class B”: Shirt/blouse with necktie/tie tab. Lightweight blue jacket is optional.
“Class C”: Shirt/blouse worn with the collar opened. Lightweight blue jacket is optional.
Members of special teams (Color Guard, Drill Team, Saber Team, etc) may be authorized to wear distinctive uniform items while performing. These items will be approved by the SASI.
These prohibitions apply to ALL uniforms: service, ABU, informal and PT.
Do not wear the uniform while participating in political activities or any public demonstration where it might be implied that the Air Force supports a particular cause. DO NOT attempt to forcibly remove a uniformed cadet from a demonstration. Report any cadets involved in these demonstrations to the SASI for appropriate action.
Do not wear the uniform while engaging in an activity that might imply Air Force endorsement of a commercial interest. Engaging in private employment while in uniform is also banned.
Wearing the uniform or a distinctive part of the uniform in an attempt to pose as a military member is a violation of federal law.
Never smoke (including e-cigarettes) or use smokeless tobacco while in uniform.
You must maintain your uniform in a clean and serviceable condition.
Only authorized uniform items are allowed. Do not mix AFJROTC uniform items with civilian clothing.
Trim loose strings and frayed seams. Promptly replace missing buttons with authorized buttons.
All insignia, nametags, badges, etc. will be fastened with metal clutches.
Ensure that badges, insignia, belt buckles, and other metallic devices are clean and free of scratches and corrosion. Keep ribbons clean and replace them when they become worn, frayed, or faded.
Button all uniform pockets that have buttons.
Avoid carrying bulky items in uniform pockets. Articles carried in the pockets should not be visible or cause bulges.
DO NOT wear earphones, ear buds or similar items while in uniform. (Exception: headphones and earphones are authorized while riding on a bus.)
Always wear headgear when outdoors unless directed otherwise. The following areas are designated “no hat” areas where headgear is not required: north side of school between the cafeteria and the bus drop-off area, food court, between the main building and the annex.
When indoors, headgear is always removed unless you are being inspected, performing a color guard activity or carrying a weapon.
The flight cap will be worn slightly to the wearer's right with vertical creases of the cap in line with the center of the forehead and in a straight line with the nose. The cap extends approximately 1 inch from the eyebrows in the front and the opening of cap is to the rear. When not worn, carry the flight cap or secure it in your backpack. DO NOT tuck it under the belt or carry it pulled through the epaulets of your jacket.
Service caps are optional for cadet officers. The cap and cap device must be purchased by the cadet. Service caps should have a plain bill. The hat straps are for decorative purposes only. Service caps may be worn by competition teams as directed by the instructors. During drill competitions hat straps may be worn under the chin.
Blue shirt/blouse.
The shirttail is tucked tightly into the trousers/slacks. Garters may be worn to keep the shirt/blouse tucked in properly.
No items are carried in shirt pockets, which must remain buttoned at all times.
Creases are allowed only on the sleeves.
Ribbons will not be worn with medals. Medals may be worn with the service dress uniform for formal and semi-formal occasions of a limited nature (such as dining ins/outs, military ball, change of command ceremonies, awards ceremonies, picture days, or other formal events as specified by the SASI.) Medals may not be worn on regular uniform days. Place medals on the mounting rack in the proper order of precedence.
Cadets may wear a backpack on the left shoulder or both shoulders (not to interfere with rendering the proper salute). Use caution not to catch the straps on your nametag, ribbons or other accouterments.
Blue service coat
Use the inside pockets for small flat items only.
The coat may be removed in the classroom IF you have proper rank insignia and nametag on your shirt/blouse. It should be draped neatly over the back of chairs or desks so as not to become wrinkled. The coat must be put on again before leaving.
Shoes will be worn completely laced and shined to a high gloss. DO NOT USE LIQUID POLISH. Corfram shoes are authorized, but they must be purchased by the cadet.
Wear BLACK crew or tube socks (NOT ankle-length). No other colors are authorized.
The lightweight blue jacket is authorized for wear inside and outside. When worn, it must be zipped up at least halfway between the collar and the waistband. Ascots and shoulder cords are not authorized with the lightweight blue jacket.
You may wear single-color black or gray gloves and/or scarf while in uniform.
Flight caps or gloves are never tucked under the epaulets of the shirt/blouse, coat or jacket. Gloves will not be tucked in the belt.
Wear a bra, undershirt and underpants with all uniforms. The bra must be conservative in color. Undershirts must be plain white V-neck style. Undershirt will be tucked into slacks.
The belt is threaded through the loops, starting from right going left (clockwise). The silver tip of the belt will extend beyond the buckle facing the wearer’s right; however, no blue fabric will be visible between the silver tip and silver buckle. For proper fit, use the adjustable belt clamp to change the length.
Keep the gig line straight. This is the line formed by the edge of the shirt/blouse, the edge of the belt buckle, and the edge of the fly.

Hosiery are optional with slacks. It will be plain commercial, sheer, nylon in neutral, dark brown, black or off-black, or dark blue shades. Patterned hosiery may not be worn.
Black pumps and slip-on shoes may be purchased by the cadet. See DAFI 36-2903 for requirements.
Wear undershirt and underpants with all uniforms. Undershirts must be plain white V-neck style. Undershirt will be tucked into trousers.
The belt is threaded through the loops, starting from left going right (counterclockwise). The silver tip of the belt will extend beyond the buckle facing the wearer’s left; however, no blue fabric will be visible between the silver tip and silver buckle. For proper fit, use the adjustable belt clamp to change the length. Keep the gig line straight. This is the line formed by the edge of the shirt/blouse, the edge of the belt buckle, and the edge of the fly.

When wearing the necktie, the tip of the tie must cover a portion of the belt buckle, but cannot extend below the bottom of the belt buckle.
Wear metal insignia on both lapels of the service coat, shirt, blouse, or lightweight blue jacket. Cadet officers may substitute cloth insignia on shirts/blouses. For cloth insignia, place the shoulder mark insignia as close as possible to the shoulder seam with the tip of the rank chevron toward the wearer’s neck.
The following cadets are authorized to wear shoulder cords:
Corps Commander – Gold
Deputy Corps Commander – Silver
Command Chief – Black
Squadron Commander – Red
Flight Commander – Yellow
Flight Sergeant – Green
Performance/Competition Teams* – varies
(*Only worn while participating in an event/performance.)
Wear the shoulder cord grounded to the seam on the left shoulder of the light blue shirt/blouse or the service coat. On the shirt/blouse, the shoulder cord is worn under the epaulet. On the service dress coat, cords should be pinned to the shoulder with the pin hidden beneath the cord.
The semi-formal dress uniform is worn for social functions as prescribed by the SASI. When in semi-formal dress, saluting is not required. The semi-formal dress uniform is the same as the Class A uniform with the following changes:
Wear the service coat without a nametag.
In place of the blue uniform shirt/blouse, wear a blue or white long-sleeve shirt/blouse. The shirt/blouse will be plain, knit or woven, commercial type with a short or medium point collar, with button or French cuffs. Shirt/blouse will be tucked into the trousers. Do not wear rank insignia on the shirt/blouse.
Wear either ribbons or medals (not both). If wearing medals, place the top row ½ inch below the top of the welt of the pocket, centered on the pocket. Badges may be worn.
Do not wear headgear (flight cap).
The Mess Dress Uniform is NOT authorized for wear by AFJROTC cadets.
Do not starch the ABU uniform. Sleeves may be rolled up on the ABU coat; however, the cuffs will remain visible and the sleeve will rest at, or within 1 inch of, the forearm when the arm is bent at a 90-degree angle. Regardless as to whether the sleeves are rolled up or unrolled, the cuffs will remain visible at all times. Pockets will be secured and items stowed in pockets will not be visible except pens stowed in the pen pocket. The ABU coat may be removed in the ROTC classroom.
The desert sand (tan) t-shirt will be worn under the ABU coat. T-shirt will be tucked into the trousers. A one-piece desert sand colored (tan) rigger style web belt will be worn with ABU trousers. Belt may extend past buckle. Sage green or Coyote brown boots and socks will be worn with the ABU.
Tucking the ABU trouser into the boot is optional. Whether tucked in or bloused, the trouser must be evenly bloused (gathered in and draped loosely) over the top of the combat boot and must present a bloused appearance.
Only the ABU cap will be worn with the ABU uniform. Berets are not authorized. Cadet officers wear metal rank insignia centered on the front of the cap. Enlisted cadets do not wear rank insignia on the ABU cap.
Shoulder cords, ascots and dress/ceremonial gloves are not authorized with the ABU.
Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) uniforms are NOT authorized for wear by AFJROTC cadets.
The PT uniform will be worn on designated PT days and is a graded item. The PT uniform may not be substituted for weekly uniform of the day. Cadets may wear any combination of the issued t-shirt, sweatshirt, shorts and sweatpants.
Do not remove or cut sleeves. Short- and long-sleeved form fitting undershirts, (i.e. spandex, lycra or elastic material) may be worn and visible under the short-sleeved shirt. If worn, the undershirt must be tucked in. There is no color restriction on the form fitting undershirt.
Short, mid- and full-length solid black or dark blue form fitting sportswear (i.e. spandex, lycra or elastic) may be worn and visible under the shorts.
Socks and athletic style shoes are mandatory. Sandals and open-toed shoes are not authorized. Socks will be solid white, black or gray and may have small trademark logos.
Articles of the PT uniform may be worn with civilian clothing. No civilian/personal items with offensive wording, graphics or photos are to be worn with PT uniform items at any time. Articles of the PT uniform may not be mixed with any combination of the AFJROTC service uniform.
The informal uniform consists of:
Unit t-shirt (tucked into the trousers).
Slacks or jeans with a belt (no holes, no shorts).
Shoes with socks; no open-toed shoes (flip-flops, sandals etc).
The SASI/ASI may specify wear of the informal uniform on occasions when the service uniform is not appropriate. Cadets who have been issued a service uniform may not wear the informal uniform when the service uniform is required.
Cadets wearing the informal uniform are expected to maintain the same grooming standards as if they are wearing the service uniform.
Cadets of higher rank have the authority and the responsibility to correct inappropriate wear of the uniform and behavior. Make corrections in a courteous, non-threatening, non-confrontational, or hostile manner. Make corrections privately and as discreetly as possible. Encourage cadets to accept corrections in the proper spirit and wear the uniform proudly! If you feel you been treated unfairly, report the incident to an instructor who will investigate the incident.

Awareness Presentation Team (APT) badge or Marksmanship Shield: centered on the right pocket.
Nametag: centered, resting on, but not over, edge of wearer’s right pocket.
Shoulder tab: center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then place 1 inch below shoulder seam.
First badge placed ½ inch above nametag and centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. Badges worn on right side, top to bottom:
Distinguished Cadet Badge
Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge
Kitty Hawk Badge
Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic has no insignia of any kind on the collar.
(Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar, place as close as possible to shoulder seam.
First badge placed ½ inch above ribbons and centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. Badges worn on left side, top to bottom:
Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge
Ground School Badge
Ribbons: centered, resting on, but not over, edge of wearer’s left pocket.
Marksmanship badge: worn centered below the ribbons.
Model Rocketry Badge: centered on the left side pocket.

Awareness Presentation Team (APT) badge or Marksmanship Shield: Center 3 inches below bottom of nametag.
Silver nametag: Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top of welt pocket.
Shoulder tabs: Center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam.
First badge placed ½ inch above nametag and centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. Badges worn on right side, top to bottom:
Distinguished Cadet Badge
Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge
Kitty Hawk Badge
Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. Grade insignia will be worn on both coat and shirt at the same time.
First badge placed ½ inch above ribbons and centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. Badges worn on left side, top to bottom:
Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge
Ground School Badge
Ribbons/Medals: Center ribbons resting on but not over edge of welt pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. When authorized, the top row of medals should be positioned 1/2 inch below top of welt pocket, centered on the pocket. Ribbons and medals may not be worn together.
Marksmanship badge: worn centered below the ribbons. Do not wear with medals.
Model Rocketry Badge: worn 2 inches below the pocket.

Nametag: centered on right side, parallel to ground and within 1½ inches higher or lower than the topmost exposed button. Bottom of nametag is aligned with bottom of ribbons.
Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam.
First badge placed ½ inch above nametag and centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. Badges worn on right side, top to bottom:
Distinguished Cadet Badge
Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge
Kitty Hawk Badge
Awareness Presentation Team Badge or Marksmanship Shield
Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic has no insignia of any kind on the collar.
(Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar, place as close as possible to shoulder seam.
First badge placed ½ inch above ribbons and centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. Badges worn on left side, top to bottom:
Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge
Ground School Badge
Ribbons: Center on left side, parallel with ground. Bottom of ribbons is aligned with bottom of nametag.
Marksmanship badge: worn centered below the ribbons.

Silver nametag: Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top of welt pocket.
Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam.
First badge placed ½ inch above nametag and centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. Badges worn on right side, top to bottom:
Distinguished Cadet Badge
Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge
Kitty Hawk Badge
Awareness Presentation Team Badge or Marksmanship Shield
Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. Grade insignia will be worn on both coat and shirt at the same time.
First badge placed ½ inch above ribbons and centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. Badges worn on left side, top to bottom:
Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge
Ground School Badge
Model Rocketry Badge
Ribbons/Medals: Center ribbons resting on but not over edge of welt pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. When authorized, the top row of medals should be positioned 1/2 inch below top of welt pocket, centered on the pocket. Ribbons and medals may not be worn together.
Marksmanship badge: worn centered below the ribbons. Do not wear with medals.

Shoulder tabs are centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1” below shoulder seam.
Grade insignia (officer and enlisted) is worn on both left and right collar. Airman Basic has no collar insignia. Grade insignia will be worn on both jacket and shirt at the same time.
Center insignia horizontally on collar. Place 1 inch from bottom of collar and parallel to the outer edge of the collar.

Unit patch worn on right pocket and centered (optional).
Last name and AFJROTC tapes grounded and centered on pockets.
Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) is worn on both left and right collars, centered on collar and parallel with bottom of collar. Airman Basic has no collar insignia.
AFJROTC patch worn on left pocket and centered.