CHAPTER 6: Recognition
The Cadet Awards and Decorations Program fosters morale, esprit de corps, and recognizes achievements of AFJROTC cadets. Cadets who demonstrate outstanding performance may be recognized in a variety of ways. Some examples of recognition programs are described below. More information, including criteria for national-level awards, is available in the AFJROTC Operations Supplement.
Distinguished AFJROTC Cadet Badge. Recognizes one outstanding third-year cadet. The recipient must be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and maintain consistent academic and military excellence.
Academic Excellence Badge. Awarded to Junior and Senior cadets who, for the previous marking period:
Attain an overall 3.3 grade point average
Receive an “A” in AFJROTC
Receive no grade below “C”
Cadets may only wear this badge while they maintain the above standards. If they fail to meet the standards for a subsequent marking period, they may not continue to wear the badge on their uniform.
Awareness Presentation Team Badge: Awarded for participation on an Awareness Presentation Team and participating in two events. APT members may continue to wear the badge as long as they actively participate in one presentation each semester.
Model Rocketry Badge. Awarded to cadets who have fulfilled model rocketry program requirements. Program requirements are listed in the Model Rocketry Handbook.
Flight Solo Badge. Awarded to any cadet possessing a solo flight certificate signed by a FAA certified flight instructor for either powered or non-powered aircraft.
Flight Certificate Badge. Awarded to any cadet who possesses a valid FAA pilot’s certificate for either powered or non-powered aircraft.
Badges, medals and ribbons earned while enrolled in a sister-service JROTC program may NOT be worn on the AFJROTC uniform. Cadets will be given equivalent AFJROTC ribbons to wear. The SASI will make the best determination as to what equivalent AFJROTC ribbon to issue. Badges, medals, ribbons or insignia from Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, middle school programs such as Youth Leadership Corps or any other non-JROTC organization are not authorized on the AFJROTC uniform.

Pararescuemen and a simulated "survivor" watch as a Sikorski HH-60G Hawk helicopter comes in for a landing.
The instructors select award recipients based on AFJROTC guidance and the criteria listed below. Special and National Awards, the Outstanding Flight Award and the Outstanding Cadet Ribbon are presented at the annual awards ceremony (normally held in April). Other awards may be presented during the school year. Regardless of any other criteria, cadets must have a passing grade in AFJROTC to be eligible for an award. Some of the more common ribbons are:
Distinguished Unit Award with Merit

Awarded to cadets enrolled during the same academic year in which 1) the unit receives a HQ AFJROTC evaluation with an overall rating of Exceeds Standards and 2) the unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the Distinguished Unit Award (see below).
Distinguished Unit Award

Awarded by HQ AFJROTC based on criteria published by the Director at the beginning of each academic year. Generally, units must meet all HQ suspenses and accomplish an average of 12 hours of community service per cadet.
Outstanding Flight Ribbon

Awarded annually to the most outstanding flight. Flights are evaluated on academic achievement, uniform wear, physical fitness participation and community service.
Outstanding Cadet Ribbon

Awarded annually to the outstanding first-year, second-year, third-year and fourth-year cadet. The recipient from each class must be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and attain academic and military excellence.
Leadership Ribbon

Awarded for outstanding performance in a position of leadership as an AFJROTC cadet in corps training activities. Cadets must have consistently displayed outstanding leadership ability above and beyond expected performance.
Superior Performance Ribbon

Awarded annually at the SASI’s discretion for outstanding achievement or meritorious service rendered specifically on behalf of AFJROTC. It may be awarded for a single act or sustained performance of a superior nature
Achievement Ribbon

Awarded for a significant achievement in AFJROTC or other school activities/events as deemed appropriate by the SASI. Individuals may only receive this award once each school year.
Academic Ribbon

Awarded at the end of each semester for academic excellence by attaining an “A” (90) in AFJROTC, an overall grade point average of at least a “B” (3.0), and no failing grades (below 60).
Cadet Leadership Course Ribbon

Awarded for completion of an approved leadership school program of at least 5 days duration.
Special Teams Placement Ribbon

Awarded to members of a special team (Color Guard, Drill Team, PT Team, Academic Bowl, Cyber Patriot, etc.) for placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd in an Air Force or Joint Service Competition.
All-Service National Competition Award

Awarded to team members who competed at a Joint/All Service national-level competition to include Drill Teams, Color Guard Teams, Marksmanship Rifle Teams, Saber Teams, Academic Bowl Teams, Cyber Patriot, StellarXplorers etc.

Awarded to team members who competed at an Air Force only national-level competition to include Drill Teams, Color Guard Teams, Marksmanship Rifle Teams, Saber Teams, Academic Bowl Teams, Cyber Patriot, StellarXplorers etc.

Awarded to team members for completing a unit-specific Orienteering program as part of unit curriculum.
Leadership Development Requirement (LDR) Leadership Ribbon

Awarded for leadership in AFJROTC LDR activities (color guard commander, military ball chairperson, etc.) The recipient must have demonstrated exceptional leadership in achieving objectives through the coordinated efforts of others. Only cadets designated as leaders of projects are eligible for this award. Assistants cannot receive the award.
Drill Team Ribbon

Color Guard Ribbon

Awarded for distinguished participation in at least five Color Guard events. The events may extend over more than one academic year. An oak leaf cluster may be added to this ribbon for each additional five qualifying events.
Saber Team Ribbon

Awarded for distinguished participation in three saber team events. The events may extend over more than one academic year. An oak leaf cluster may be added to this ribbon for each additional three qualifying events.
Joint Leadership Academic Bowl (JLAB) Ribbon

Awarded annually to members of the JLAB team. Both primary and alternate members are eligible.
Raiders Team Ribbon

Awarded annually to members of the Raiders. Cadets must be on the team for an entire year/competition season to be eligible and must have participated in at least three competitions.
Good Conduct Ribbon

Awarded at the end of the school year to cadets with no in-school or out of school suspensions of any kind, and no adverse reports from other staff or faculty.
Service Ribbon

Awarded for distinctive performance in school, community or AFJROTC service projects. Cadets who perform at least 20 hours of community service are eligible to receive this ribbon. Participation in Drill Team, Saber Team or Color Guard alone does not qualify for the Service Ribbon unless community service hours are also awarded. Participation in mandatory events or corps fundraisers does not qualify for the service ribbon.
Health and Wellness Ribbon

Awarded once each academic year for participating in the unit physical fitness program as indicated by maintaining at least an 80% average on physical fitness grades. In addition, cadets who score the following on the Physical Fitness Test will be awarded star devices as follows:
● Score in the 75-84 percentiles - awarded a Bronze Star device
● Score in the 85-95 percentiles - awarded a Silver Star device
● Score in the 96-100 percentiles – awarded a Gold Star device
These cadets, if already wearing the ribbon with oak leaf cluster(s), will receive and wear an additional Health and Wellness Ribbon with the highest-level Star Device(s) affixed. Duplicate awards of the Bronze, Silver or Gold percentile will be denoted by the addition of another star on this ribbon. Should a cadet subsequently score in a higher percentile, only the star representing the higher percentile will be worn. In no case will a cadet mix different color stars, or star(s) and oak leaf cluster(s) on the same ribbon.
Recruiting Ribbon

Awarded for outstanding effort in support of unit recruiting activities. Cadets may earn this ribbon by accomplishing one of the following:
● Participating in two (2) recruiting activities (visits to middle schools, Freshman Orientation, etc)
● Recruiting two students to join AFJROTC (the new cadets must remain for at least one semester)
● Participating in one recruiting activity and recruiting one student to join
Activities Ribbon

Awarded for participation in LDR activities that do not otherwise qualify for a ribbon (eg. Color Guard, Drill Team, Saber Team). These include, but are not limited to, End Zone Warriors and PT team. A cadet must participate in at least 75% of the group’s events, including practices. Cadets may earn an oak leaf cluster if they participate in more than one group.
Attendance Ribbon

Awarded at the end of the school year to cadets with no unexcused absences (“AU”), and no more than three excused absences (“AE”) from AFJROTC classes in either semester. Absences coded “AN” will not be considered.
Dress and Appearance Ribbon

Awarded each semester for wearing the AFJROTC uniform on all designated uniform days, unless excused by the SASI/ASI, and maintaining at least a 90% average on uniform inspections.
Longevity Ribbon

Awarded for each year of participation in AFJROTC. Cadets must receive a passing grade to qualify.
Bataan Death March Memorial Hike Ribbon

Awarded for completion of a 14-mile memorial hike to honor and remember the sacrifices of the victims and survivors of World War II’s Bataan Death March. The hike may be completed in a span of one to no more than three days.
Patriotic Flag Ribbon

May be awarded for participation in five non-color guard events specifically designed to honor our nation’s flag. Such events include flag raising ceremonies, flag retirement ceremonies, flag folding ceremonies and historical flag demonstrations. The events may extend over more than one academic year. Raising/lowering the school flag does not count toward award of this ribbon unless it is part of a special ceremony.
Figure 6-1 shows the order in which ribbons should be worn. The highest precedent ribbon (lowest number on the chart) is worn in the leftmost position (as viewed) on the top row. The next highest is worn to the right of the highest ribbon, and so on, with the lowest precedent ribbon (highest number on the chart) worn on the rightmost position on the bottom row.
The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) ribbons listed below may be worn during regular uniform days. CAP ribbons will be worn in the precedence listed below following the lowest AFJROTC ribbon earned. CAP medals may be worn along with AFJROTC medals when authorized.
● General Carl Spaatz Award
● General Ira C. Eaker Award
● Amelia Earhart Award
● General Billy Mitchell Award
● General J.F. Curry Achievement Award

Figure 6-1